I have to say, playground is really such a graceful way to verify my doubt during learning Swift,  all right back to record.

Name parameter function

Sometimes, ok, almost all the time, you found a function from api, and it contains 5 or 7 parameters, like this:

![](http://tiger-a-s-s.tobybai.cn/屏幕快照 2014-11-04 下午5.12.58.png)

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EF’s website keeps crashing, don’t know what the hell is going on. Billy is going to leave, I still have one thing to teach him, if he want to invite a girl (just girl ) to have dinner, the most trendy way is to say “YueMa“, all right, repeat after me,



“No, No, No,it’s YueMa


“Better,they are similar, but too directly, YueMa~”



About one week ago, a colleague of mine complained about “There is no handy screen picture capturer on Mac OS X!”, she was still a windows user at that time. But that fired me, I can do programming with iOS by Objective-C, so nothing would stop me to write a app running on Mac OS X too, especially I am learning Swift too.

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Yes, that tiny purple one in the corner, and I love it!! It probably tastes like grapes.

So the theme is, to make a lollipop by plasticine, my son’s works is such a phenomenal one, it’s significantly different to others. Even It looks like teacher said :

“All right, everybody, time’s up!!”

And my son just pinch a piece of plasticine, then stick it on the paper, LOL~

I admit it’s not the most regular, the most colorful, the most shapely one but it is still the best one in my heart.

Cuz It came from my son.

Here is an old(2013,not so old) article which described why the author don’t use Interface Builder, I can’t agree more about this.Here is the summary I made about the article:

  • Choosing Explicit over Implicit.
    Just like he mentioned, there was a time I spend 2 hours to search in the workspace, to solve a runtime error
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The national day’s holidays are over,WTF!

Anyway I enjoyed some sweet moment with my family.

I will never, you know, never  gonna try a new thing after it appeared, published or launched immediately, I always been watching at that for a period of time, especially for a new programming language. So I’ve been watching on Swift for a while too.

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