
New Weapon
刚才,我跟Trancredi(坦克雷迪,是一个意大利籍的英国小伙) Skype了,因为他随机发送的 Let me know your developer story邮件得到了我详尽的回复。我的用心也不过是希望在境外发出一些声音。而他昨天发送来的跟我的采访的Blog草稿中,我认为有一些部分存在误读和扭曲事实的嫌疑。以下为我回复给对方的邮件:

Hi Tanc:I think we need to delay or cancel this post. Because Some of the content are mistaken.

  1. The first thing I wanna say is that, why don’t you use my origin reply as the answer to the first question “How did you become a software developer?”

  2. Xana means 1/75 of one second, in another word, it is 0.01333 second. A very short period of time. NOT 75th second. I wrote this in the origin story:it’s a combined word that ‘Xana’ means 1/75 second, it comes from Buddhist.

  3. This is only the first mistake I found that can be a misunderstood problem. But I found something that I never said, like this:

His philosophy is that every fraction of a second matters, and if you want to do something you should use every moment to realise it rather than thinking about it as a far off dream - dreams don’t wait for you.

Where did you get this? If it is something from the Skype chat, please post me this as a movie clip.

  1. The image for ActionScript and Flash is a bit outdated.

  2. You said “The most adopted social network is RenRen”, I don’t know how could you make such a conclusion. I never said anything like that, I didn’t even mention RenRen at all. It is DEFINITELY NOT the most adopted social network in China now. I sent you an email to list the most trendy social media like this:

    Top 3 internet companies and their primary business (sorted by market value)

    1. tencent.com, instant messaging software( Wechat & QQ), game (Mobile & online), this is what I mentioned in skype.
    2. alibaba.com, e-commerce, online shopping(taobao.com), cloud service(aliyun.com)
    3. baidu.com, search engine(baidu.com), online ad.

    We call these three companies “BAT”, they divide more than 70% mobile market in China. It is kind of monopoly.

I am not here to get in trouble Tanc. I just consider this blog a very seriously one. Instead of being an unknown programmer, I am a Chinese first.

而刚刚跟他视频聊天之后,发现这不过是一些误会。他是一个很不错的Programmer但并不意味着是一个不错的Blog Author。我决定自己修改这个稿子。

My little happy handsome
订购的Windows PC于周六到货了。虽然4099不是什么大价钱,但是在不包括显示器和其他外设的情况下,这台机器还算是入流的配置,机箱也算是蛮漂亮的。我并没有跑分,开机册Windows 10,让我忽然感觉对Windows有了希望,说起来我已经有7年没有使用Windows电脑了。最近由于各种需求的驱动,终于驱动我做出了购置一台过得去的Windows主机的操作,真可谓是可喜可贺。夫人po了一张运行时的机箱照,熟人都来狂欢,懂行如我大弟的说你这个最低也得是1060啊,这是要上VR啊。我一方面高兴有人一眼看明白了。同时又觉得自己宏大的计划刚一开头就被人识破,不免有些不爽。 我知道我是有些自我意识过剩了。我只是不想在计划尚未有眉目的时候就被人心中默默地挂上监控:“想要看到你不过是为了玩VR游戏而给自己找的一个冠冕堂皇的理由罢了”。
WorkSpace Upgraded


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