Mutturi Sukebe & Vinyls & OwnerQueryForNonexistentToken


Dr. Slump Vol.2

阿拉蕾(我还是喜欢叫这套漫画阿拉蕾)单行本第二卷中的,”変身ポンポコガンの巻”里,鸟山明大师本人出镜教大家钓青蛙,随后,阿拉蕾用一页色情杂志成功地把博士钓上来了。在这里的这一页杂志上,写着的罗马字是,“MUTTURI SUKEBE”, 我以为说不定是当时的某位艳星的名字,就兴致勃勃地去查了一下,发现这其实并不是人名,而是“むっつりスケベ”,从 weblio辞書查到的说明很有意思:



我看得时候越看越像在说我,对应的中文翻译我觉得“闷骚”+“伪君子”是我目前可以想得出的描绘词汇,而它对应的英语翻译也比较有趣,“Moody Lewd”,在彼时的大师的脑子,应该是处于巅峰工作状态,我最珍视的爆笑奇想,一个个接连上演,至少在我看来,在龙珠后半段大师已经基本不有趣了。处于中年阶段的我再去用原著语言精读童年的漫画,是我最近时常感觉幸福的源泉。


我最近在伴读James Wood的“小说机杼”(How fiction works),在“叙述”这个章节上打转,从解析的角度反复咂摸理解“Free indirect style”(自由间接风格),想着跟专业学术人士求教,却因为那一日被“微信开发沼泽”相关的麻烦缠绕,没能好好畅聊。不过说到鸟山明在“阿拉蕾”里的故事叙述,因为是漫画的原因,加上有浓重的搞笑漫画底色,它应该天生就没有小说叙事时候的局限性,在切换人物叙事视角时,是完全没有隔阂的,即便是其中的画外音也常常由各种趣味角色担当。而作者本人动不动就出现在作品里这种做法,我能想起来的第一部作品就是“阿拉蕾”了。当然两者在表现创作的办法上有根本的差别,漫画更加像电影叙事。

A beginner appreciation class on vinyl for my wife.

Yesterday I had a cozy time with my wife in my office, she came to tidy my office up and enjoy our afternoon tea time. I made some plum black tea for her, and she was amazed. And then I decided to give her a beginner appreciation class on vinyl.
“Vinyl is a comprehensive artwork, it contains music, cover art design, storytelling, data serialization and visualize, extends to playing devices, it has very unique aesthetic value”
My wife was in an eye-open status, she kept admiring everything she saw. When I started playing pieces of vinyl, she was obsessively recording the turning turntable, and kept saying “It’s so beautiful”

“When it started to play, the surface of a vinyl would reflect light polytropicly due to the grooves on it. The turntable and stylus work regularly as expected, but the light was reflected kind of irregularly because the data on it is so dense, that people can’t really remember them. it’s a perfect composition of chaos and order”

I had kept my turntable for more than three years. I never had a chance to introduce and enjoy it with my wife. I feel a bit sentimental.

However, after this delightful moment, she insisted on wiping my bookshelf and dropping a CD to the ground, breaking it into pieces. That annoyed me and made thinking the original sin of a modern marriage institution. For some reason, there will be a gap grow up from a couple. When it deteriorates, they will live in a mentally parallel space. All in all, I started to reflect, shouldn’t I do something to remedy it?

My current answer will be, to try to be true, and stop hiding our instinctions.

The value of matured developer

我从4月初开始,完全接手了一个小型合作NFT项目的开发,从Solidty合约编写,后台回收数据的服务端,到前端开发,再次被全栈开发者的快感充盈着,干劲儿十足,同时因为超车了那没有teamwork manner的小博士,有点沉浸在全知全能的自我麻痹中。昨天夫人走后,我本来高高兴兴,准备完成手里小项目的一条龙功能开发,结束这完美的一天,结果就来了个莫名其妙的问题,让我空腹硬调到8点,回家后,满脸黑云地搞到10点才解决。
编写的Solidity合约在Test时完美无瑕,但是在部署到测试网络后,发现在调用一个函数时,频频爆出莫名的revert异常。告知我“OwnerQueryForNonexistentToken”,我反复检查,恢复代码到之前的git commit,均不能解决问题。不过其中一个诡异环节引起我的注意,这个调用,并非一直失败,而是在某些时刻ok。
