


日语里的“社会の窓”的意思不能直译为社会的窗口,它的引申意思其实是说男性裤裆的拉链,在英语中对应的俚语是,Your fly is open。日语里的这个社会之窗的梗,来自1948年(昭和23年)开始在NHK放送的同名节目,期间主持人们讨论问题是,表达了一种,“你只可以看到社会的一部分,但通常是看不到的。好像男人的拉链开了”。 顺带一提女性的股间拉链是“理科の窓”,但是热度很快就消退了,两者在当代日语中都已经被标记为死語了,就是几乎没有人在用的词汇。




Remember we discussed a “Racoon-like” mascot standing outside a lot of storefronts in Japan. Its name is “信楽焼の狸”, and reads “shigaraki yaki no tanuki”. In Japanese, “狸” reads like ta-nu-ki, that ‘ta’ sounds like “他”, which means “others”, “nu-ki” sounds like “抜き”, which means “(beating) in succession”, so altogether it means “overcome others in succession on business”, that’s why it became a talisman of business.

But there are more amusing meanings for a typical “信楽焼の狸”, it’s called “八相縁起”, which means “Eight signs of luck”, they are:

Big conical hat(大きな笠): Be prepared and protect yourself from unexpected disasters.
Big eyes(大きな目): You can make the right decisions by looking around and paying attention.
Face(顔): Always smiling and being friendly to each other leads to prosperity in business.
Sake bottle(徳利): You will not have to worry about food and drink (your business will be prosperous) and should strive to be virtuous.
Passbook(通い帳): Trust is the most important thing to get along well in life.
Big belly(大きなお腹): Be calm and bold.
The big scrotum(大きな金袋, which means a big bag of money in Japanese culture): You will be blessed with the luck to spend money freely.
Thick tail(太いしっぽ): True happiness comes from seeing everything come to a proper end.
