iOS developing note part4 Some Tips
What a wonderful day !! Isn’t it?
Well, I got something good happened.
Yes, that tiny purple one in the corner, and I love it!! It probably tastes like grapes.
So the theme is, to make a lollipop by plasticine, my son’s works is such a phenomenal one, it’s significantly different to others. Even It looks like teacher said :
“All right, everybody, time’s up!!”
And my son just pinch a piece of plasticine, then stick it on the paper, LOL~
I admit it’s not the most regular, the most colorful, the most shapely one but it is still the best one in my heart.
Cuz It came from my son.
In last project (the cancelled one), I was trying to find a handy way to store my location data, the relationship will be like this.
Location(data generated by GPS module, contains coordination information)
Here is an old(2013,not so old) article which described why the author don’t use Interface Builder, I can’t agree more about this.Here is the summary I made about the article:
The national day’s holidays are over,WTF!
Anyway I enjoyed some sweet moment with my family.
I will never, you know, never gonna try a new thing after it appeared, published or launched immediately, I always been watching at that for a period of time, especially for a new programming language. So I’ve been watching on Swift for a while too.
I think I should note down the experiences during these couple of month, in case I need to use them in the future.
Last Sunday, I met a best friend of mine, Andy, we usually drink coffee together, sometimes we would have lunch. He told me on this running year 2014, he had completed some goals in his wish-list.
[caption id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”384”] 这么看起来,还挺像样子啊~[/caption]