这一次是接到令箭,公司大老板的原话是:“咱们有资源,要投资有投资,为啥咱们就不做呢?!快快整起来呗,你说是不?” 一顿川菜+啤酒给我就弄上套了。不过对我来说,说不定是个不错的转机。所幸之前有做游戏的经验和一点点资源,我决定要开始淌Cocos2dx这汪浑水,这里记录的是昨天一天淌的小坑的过程。同时要大力感谢哥们Andy的技术支持。

在Cocos2d-x还是Cocos2d-iPhone的时候,我就很感兴趣了,彼时我是个AS3开发者,多少受到了一些技能观望的限制,当时觉得Objective-C是如此的怪奇,令人望而生畏,但至少觉得当时整个体系还是完整的,条例清晰,文档健全,Getting Start也比较循循善诱。而进入到Cocos2d-x阶段之后,就忽然变得错综复杂,官方文档基本都是民营的,许多人拿它是热门开源项目说事儿,我并不这么认为,许多开源项目的文档和网站就透彻得很。总之就是乱成一团沸翔。
Cocos Studio

我先是兴致勃勃地下载了Cocos Studio,Visual Editor,在长相与Flash激似的界面上拖拽了半天,发现它并未附带代码编辑的部分。也怪我没有仔细看官方下载页面上的说明:
> A game development tool kit based on Cocos2d-x, includes Scene Editor, UI Editor, Animation Editor, Asset Shop, and more.
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Picturesque Maple
Just returned Shenyang from Benxi. It seems like September always brings me good things after a string of hardworks.
Me and my team had been working on the project call CityActions for about 2 weeks. The launch point can be tracked to the starting of this month. I had a similar situation before and I record it in a blog.
Here are the happy things:
Our App passed the review again at 24th Sep.
Then we found it can’t be runned normally on iOS 9, but I was planning to travel to Benxi, my wife has been expecting this trip for a long time. And if I couldn’t figure it out she and my son would be super disappointed.

So the problem I was facing at 9:00 am 25th Spe is, solving the problem within 7 hours. We’d booked tickets and hotel, and all our best friends are waiting for us. I won’t let them down!

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2.8 Details

During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which is a violation of the App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, your app uses the itms-services URL scheme to install an application.

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Miranda Warnings
You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.
Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.
If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney.
Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?


—-《八百万种死法》,page 278

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The reason why I write this blog in English is, Well, I can’t tell you I visited some audlt DVD stores in Akihabara(Let me call it AKB for short) that day in Chinese, with my wife. During the journey in Japan, the guide wasted too much time in places like Ginza, Shinsaibashi, and some tax free shops. I have to admit it’s a half shopping group exactly.
If I don’t note it down now, I will probably forget some detail, or add some more distorted memories to make it more like a unreal dream.
Before we arrived AKB, I told my wife and another girl we met in the group,
“If Ginza means 1 to ladies like you, then AKB means 10 to me”,
Yes I overstated my feeling about AKB. My wife kept on noding to agree, then asked “What should I do to help you?”

“Nothing, just keep quiet.” I said.

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首先十分感谢白爷再一次出手相救,我之前的Wordpress Blog在我提审被拒找不到方向,神情恍惚的那段时间里,屡次遭受攻击,我那时候压根也没功夫折腾它,然后收到了来自Linode的警告通知,”ToS Violation - Spam”,简而言之就是被黑了。我当时没有心情和时间去弄它,所以我只是暂时选择把它shutdown了。这周一我再次去询问白爷,白爷推荐我将有用的东西备份下来,然后全面启用静态的blog系统,一般来讲安全性会大大上升。我这次乖乖听话了,也不再叫嚣不能换模板,不能高亮显示代码的问题,乖乖地操作下来,现在感觉出奇的好,毕竟blog是以内容为主,theme再好看,也是个架子罢了,简单,安全,能安心地享受写作的乐趣,才是码字的初心。

# Disqus
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5月21日在我去霓虹国走马观花之前,我一次提交了两个App去审核,其中一个被拒绝了10次之后,终于在昨天上线了,我们超级高兴,可是噩梦还没有结束,程序发布24小时之后,仍然不能在App Store上可见。而另外一个我看到就想吐,我在30岁之前没有杀出重围,导致我现在回到家乡,一开始公司的老板们都很惺惺相惜的感觉,随着审核的一次次被拒绝,我变得不想和人说话,我也不想去饮水机接水喝,只因为饮水机就在老总办公室外面,我不想看到他,有几天我甚至整个下午都没有喝水,也没有去厕所,一整天蜷缩在公司的角落里面,带上耳机,偷偷地看金星秀或者听郭德纲。
自从上周新养的两只牡丹鹦鹉死了一只之后,我每天回家都要看一下,有没有再被晒毙的。永远也忘不了卖鸟的老头笑话我:“这鸟你也能养死?!” 在我一直到高中的十六七年的时间内,我家一直在养虎皮鹦鹉和牡丹鹦鹉,最多的时候有十六只,我知道这种鸟是很不容易死的,所以才重新养来看看。

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